Saturday, 12 November 2016

Year 6 Chance and Control Paper Compositions.

Students cut out 32 shapes from 4 different coloured pieces of paper. 

I. Improvised composition Glue down eight shapes onto a piece of paper. Try not to plan the composition in advance. Glue one shape down, then the next shape in response to that, then the one after in response to the ones before and so on until you have glued down all eight shapes. 

II. Chance composition – Stand up and drop eight shapes onto a piece of paper – Glue the shapes down where they land 

III. Chance and control This combines the approaches of the two previous exercises, alternating between being able to make a choice where a shape will go, to having no control over its final position. 

IV. Balance composition – Fold a piece of paper in half – Drop four shapes onto the paper and glue down – Now unfold the paper and glue down four more shapes to ‘balance’ the composition

Questions Year 6 were asked: 

Which is your favourite piece?

Do your works look better on their own or together? Do your eyes go on a 'visual journey' when you look at them? 

Try joining up your piece with other people on your table. Do the pieces work in a large formation? 

Year 8 Art and DT Scholar Trip to Lypiatt Park

On Tuesday afternoon the Year 8 Art and DT scholars enjoyed a fantastic and very interesting visit to see Lynn and Dan Chadwick’s sculpture work at their beautiful home, Lypiatt Park.

They were shown round the house by Dan Chadwick and his wife before being allowed time in the grounds to discover the sculptures of Lynn Chadwick. Tamara Nelson one of the Art Scholars who went on the trip selected her favourite sculpture below; she loved it’s simplicity and clever use of shapes.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Year 5 Abstract Plant Sculptures

Last term Year 5 created wacky plant sculptures influenced by the work of artists Adam Prezza and Terri Chiao. The students used recycled materials, papier mache and finally acrylic paint to create their sculptures. Here is a selection of their final creations. 

Mathilde 5MB

Flora  5MB
Beatrice 5MB

Phoebe 5LR

Year 7 Georgia O'Keeffe Inspired Paintings

Octavia 7B 

Jemima  7B

Zara 7B

Emily 7B

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Final Pieces from the Art Scholars Portfolios

 All of the Art Scholars worked incredibly hard last term in building up their portfolios in preparation for their Scholarship day at their chosen school. Here are images of some of their final pieces. 
Zara V

Eric S-C

Rosie L
India C

Mia S

Monday, 16 May 2016

Year 8 Petri Dish Project

The Petri Dish Project Year 8 worked on last year has finally been mounted. The pupils in Year 8 each created 3 petri dish pieces; one in watercolour, one with fusible fibers and one using textiles. 

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

A Selection of Work Created in the Pottery Studio - Spring Term 2016

A Selection of Slip-ware by Year 5 
Rosalind 5M

This lovely crocodile was sadly not named

Year 5 Insect Printing Plates and Prints

Year 5 created printing plates by drawing their insect design onto card before carefully squeezing PVA glue over the drawing. After waiting for the glue to dry they then glued tinfoil over the piece. Prints were then created by hand using these plates. 
Flora 5MB

Hannah 5M


Eric Carle Style Illustrations

Year 6 were given a brief to create an illustration for either '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' or 'Moby Dick' in the Style of the illustrator Eric Carle. Here are some of the results! 

Ella 6C
Anna 6W

Emily 6D

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Year 6 Chuck Close Portraits

Tilda M 6C
Sam  6C

Alice 6C
Rosie 6D

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Art Scholar Trip to Oxford

On Thursday the Year 8 Art Scholars, Miss Dismorr and Mr Waters visited Oxford for a day of culture! Our first stop was the Ashmolean where we visited on the opening day of the new Andy Warhol exhibition. It was wonderful to see Warhol's work up close, especially as the exhibition displayed work spanning his whole career and was from a private collection, so rarely seen.  This was followed by hot chocolate on the roof-top restaurant followed by a quick lunch opposite the Bodleian Library. The afternoon was spent in the Pitts Rivers Museum and the Natural History Museum where everyone enjoyed sketching a range of anthropological curios, (although I'm not sure anyone was brave enough to tackle the shrunken heads!) 

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Year 8 Surreal Shoes

Ginny - 8JB

Tom  - 8JB

Eric - 8JB

George - 8

Griffin - 8

Eloise - 8