Friday, 2 October 2015

Year 5 Self Portrait Studies

Year 5 are exploring self portraits this term and spent a lesson drawing a detailed study in their sketchbooks using pencil. They were asked to focus on correct facial proportion and the different details of the face, such as eye lashes and freckles. The students are now embarking on their final pieces which will be painted in the style of the artist Chuck Close

Hector Large 5LR

Poppy Ross 5M
George Scurr 5M

Hannah Edmonston 5M

Mary Leslie 5LR

Year 8 Experimental Shoe Paintings

Year 8 spent a lesson creating experimental shoe paintings using the end of paintbrushes and swatches of cardboard dipped into black acrylic as their method of mark-making. 

Lena Sobolewska 8SM

Arabella Brown 8JB
Ellie Pridmore 8B